“Absolutely Phenomenal”: Real Patient Amber Shares Her Rhinoplasty Experience With Dr. Simeon Wall, Jr.

Real Patient's Rhinoplasty Experience (Actual Patient Before & After Photos)

When 40-year-old Amber A. from Marshall, TX, arrived at her follow-up appointment to see her rhinoplasty results for the first time, her anxiety was “so high.” But when the splint came off, all it took was one look at her husband, Jef, to know she had made the right choice.

“His face when the plaster brace was removed told me it looked fabulous,” she said.

Amber had been growing tired of an issue many rhinoplasty candidates face: a nasal hump and drooping tip that was worsening over time and making her nose appear wider and less symmetrical. After taking one too many pictures she didn’t love, she began researching plastic surgery practices and ultimately found the best rhinoplasty (or “nose job”) surgeon for her: Dr. Simeon Wall, Jr. in Shreveport, LA. Her before-and-after transformation turned out to be all she wanted and more.

“Now, at almost 6 months post-op, my nose looks AMAZING!!!” she said. “I could not be any happier! Taking pictures can actually be an enjoyable thing!! … I tell my husband all the time, ‘My nose looks so good today 😊.’”

Amber, an RN of 15 years and dog mom of three, is sharing her story to empower others who may be on the fence about rhinoplasty. In this Q&A, she opens up about her initial fears, her advice to potential patients, and how Dr. Wall, Jr. delivered an experience and result she calls “absolutely phenomenal.”

Q: How did you go from thinking about rhinoplasty to committing to the procedure?

Several years ago I started noticing a change in my nose when I saw pictures of myself. I’d never really liked my side profile because of what I considered a “hump” in my nose but otherwise was happy with it. Then, I began to notice the tip drooping, which started to make the end of my nose look wider and crooked. As the years went by, it got worse, leading me to research doctors in Texas and Louisiana who performed rhinoplasty.

Q: What questions or concerns did you have about rhinoplasty?

My main concern with rhinoplasty was honestly just not looking anything like myself. I did not want that at all. The only other concern I had was related to pain.

Q: Did you discuss your thoughts about surgery with any friends or family?

Jef (my husband) and I discussed it for years (and I do mean years) before I had enough of seeing pictures of myself. I really didn’t discuss it with friends because, honestly, it wasn’t their choice or on their face; it was my decision to make. I told my parents about 2 months before the procedure, and they were behind me 100%.

Q: Tell me about your consultation and your impression of the office, staff, and doctor. What ultimately made you choose Dr. Wall, Jr.?

My consultation went very well. All the problems I saw with my nose, Dr. Wall Jr. agreed. He was extremely thorough as to what he wanted to do. I was allowed to ask as many questions as necessary. He’s very personable, funny, and very knowledgeable. Both of his nurses, Katie and Lizzy, were absolutely amazing and so much fun to talk to. Both are very happy, upbeat ladies. I honestly felt like I’d known them forever, and [they] made me feel very comfortable (because I was shaking; I was so nervous).

Q: Tell me about your recovery. How long until you were back to your usual routine? Anything that surprised you about the process?

My recovery was not at all what I expected. I’d had surgeries before, but this was totally different—not in a bad way, just more intense. I got back to my usual routine probably after about two weeks. It was a little more difficult only because I had to be in a mask for work. I had to be sure to wear masks that were not pulling down or putting pressure on my nose.

Before rhinoplasty (front)
After rhinoplasty (front)

Q: Tell me about what was going through your mind at the time of the big reveal. Did you bring anyone with you to share the moment?

Honestly, I don’t remember exactly because my anxiety was so high that day. I was keyed up that whole day and nervous for my appointment. I do recall thinking, “I HOPE THIS LOOKS GOOD.“ My husband came with me that day and I was so glad he was there. His face when the plaster brace was removed told me it looked fabulous.

Q: You shared that you had a bit of a “what have I done?” moment looking in the mirror initially. How did Dr. Wall, Jr. talk you through that and how long did that feeling last?

I do remember for about a week thinking, “Amber what have you done to yourself, LOL.” I was so, so swollen, bruised, and in a little bit of pain. I just didn’t feel good, and the tip of my nose was really high. I remember talking to Katie about it, the tip of my nose, the day after surgery. She was awesome and explained why it looked the way it did.

Q: How have your results evolved from the first reveal to now?

Oh my goodness … the evolution of my nose is amazing. I look at pictures of that first month up to this 6-month mark? Truly amazing and shocking all at the same time. I am so pleased with the outcome.

Q: Did your final results differ from what you expected?

The final results differed tremendously in that they far exceeded what I had in my head. My nose is beautiful!!!! I could not have asked for a better result.

Before rhinoplasty (three-quarter view)
After rhinoplasty (three-quarter view)

Q: How has your self-image changed following your procedure? Has your day-to-day life improved?

My self-image has changed in that I don’t mind at all seeing pictures of myself anymore. I tell my husband all the time “My nose looks so good today 😊.” So yes, I guess I could say my day-to-day has changed in that I don’t critique my nose daily.

Q: Have friends or family shared any comments about your results?

My mother was so funny after the fact. She told me about 4 weeks later how scared she was when she initially saw me. I laughed so hard at her. She kept saying, “I was worried.” Now, she is so happy with the result.

Q: What advice do you have for others considering rhinoplasty? Before surgery, after surgery?

My advice for others is to know what you want when you go in to speak with Dr. Wall, Jr. Be honest and open with him; that way he can better serve you. You are going to be nervous. If you aren’t then I’d be very shocked. He tells you what to expect post-op, and know that week to week there will be changes. Trust your doctor. Trust what he says. He’s been doing this a long time. If you feel something is off or something doesn’t look right? Call! I promise you they won’t mind.

Q: Do you have any final comments you’d like to share?

Dr. Wall, Jr. is a phenomenal doctor. He did AMAZING! I don’t think there is anything better I could say.

Before rhinoplasty (profile)
After rhinoplasty (profile)

If you would like to meet with Dr. Wall, Jr. to discuss your own rhinoplasty transformation, please request a consultation online or call (318) 795-0801.

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