Category Archives: Dermal Fillers

Woman holding on fence leaning on wall (actual patient)

BOTOX or Fillers? The Wall Center Guide to Injectables

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Smooth and supple skin, youthful volume, and strategically enhanced facial features are just a few benefits of cosmetic injectables. These popular treatments typically come in two varieties: neuromodulators, such as BOTOX® and Jeuveau™, and dermal fillers, such as JUVEDERM® and RADIESSE®. While these injectables may share the same goal (facial rejuvenation), their approach is fundamentally…

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Woman leaning on wall (ACTUAL PATEINT)

Take Our Quiz: Which Injectable Option Is Best for Me?

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As you celebrate more birthdays, you may be noticing more fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a loss of facial volume where you want it and fullness under your chin where you don't. On the inside, you are joyful and ready to take on the world, but your face is not reflecting your youthful…

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Slay The Wrinkles With Up To 80 Units of FREE-TOXX!